Resources for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers during the COVID-19 Crisis

We are in unprecedented times. The current health crisis has resulted in a near shut-down of our economic system, with shopping limited to online or essential businesses only. Of course, so much of what makes life enjoyable exists beyond the walls of our homes, and protecting our brick-and-mortar retailers during this time is important. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of resources for retailers who are struggling to keep their brick-and-mortar stores afloat through the coronavirus crisis. We’ll keep updating this as new resources and information becomes available.

  • Bain Capital have offered a brief on how to defend against the coronavirus - exploring how companies can brace themselves for lasting changes as they grapple with short-term disruption.

  • GQ has written a perspective on how the instore experience is surviving the pandemic.

  • The Harvard Business Review has offered some advice on how to ensure that your customer relationships outlast the Coronavirus.

  • Good Company has offered some insights on how consumer behaviour might shift as a result of the pandemic.

  • The National Retail Federation has a list of resources for retailers.

  • The Retail Industry Leaders Association has also published a list of resources and updates for retailers.

  • Google has published a guide on 3 ways retailers can help shoppers during the Coronavirus outbreak.


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