3 ways to Drive Impulse Buys In-Store for Health and Beauty


We’ve all been there--just looking for the one thing we really need, and then suddenly we’re in the checkout line with lots of items we don't need - whether that's four bags of sour Skittles or some glitter nail polish. Impulse buys happen to the best of us--and they drive brick-and-mortar sales across markets.

They’re particularly key in driving luxury goods purchases--those things that no one needs but everyone wants--and the health and beauty market is doing a great job of leveraging their brick-and-mortar shopping experiences to promote impulse buys. Here’s how you can drive the impulse purchase in your health and beauty stores.

Novelty, Urgency, Value
Retail expert Francesca Nicasio says that impulse buys are motivated by any of three pulse points: novelty, urgency, and value. The impulse buy can be motivated by a sense that it’s a rare opportunity--buy now, or regret it later.

New product releases can do this by triggering excitement and novelty, while flash sales and pop-up shops are a great way to capture the attention of shoppers who would otherwise walk right by.

Product releases that feature games and photo opportunities will add some oomph to your impulse-buy set up, bringing in customers for fun as well as a purchase.

Layout is Everything
The impulse buy relies on a customer coming across a product they weren’t looking for- and traditionally this has meant implementing POP displays near the checkout. We advise seeking other areas to place the most impulse-worthy products which customers can’t miss. Sephora is pro at this--with new product displays right at store entrances and “best of” displays lining each aisle.

Of course, the checkout area is also lined with miniature beauty products and devices to promote that last minute purchase. The most eye-catching, easy-to-grab products are placed right where customers are standing most, giving them plenty of opportunity to throw a few new eyeshadows and a miniature lipstick in with their night cream.

​Appeal to the Senses
Think about entering a bakery--the crackle of crusty bread, the glaze shining on donuts, and the smell--your stomach growls, and you leave with three cookies and a baguette.

The best stores bring out that “hunger” for their products by appealing to multiple senses. Mood lighting, fun, energetic music, and eye-catching product displays will draw customers in and direct their attention toward splurge-worthy products. Makeup stores will provide in-store makeovers, tester items, and even “magic mirrors” that prompt impulse buys by producing a visual and tactile experience with products that consumers might otherwise pass over.

Makeup buys are all about fun and luxury--a sensory experience that draws out a sense of joy or elegance will promote purchasing.

Have questions about how to drive more impulse buys with custom retail fixture design? Give us a call at 203-221-4777 ext. 100 or drop us a line below and an In-Store Experience representative will contact you shortly.


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